Induction and Script by Ralph Hamelmann (Psychic Ralph)
©2025. All rights reserved. www.psychicralph.com


Take a nice, long, deep breath. As you exhale, close your eyes.

Now, take another breath. And as you breath out, your whole body starts to relax.

With each breath, release all worries and tension from your mind and body.

Just let it go.

You’re about to embark on an empowering journey where you’ll embrace positive change, connect with your Higher Self, and heal your fears.

As you focus on the sound of my voice, I want you to imagine you’re walking down a long, well-lit, luxurious hallway with beautiful artwork adorning its walls.

With each step, continue to focus on my voice as you notice the stunning architecture of this hallway. With each step, you feel more safe, more relaxed and more at peace.

A sense of calm is filling your entire body.

Just continue walking down this beautiful hallway and let my voice be your guide.

You soon notice a door at the end of the hallway. This door is very old, but in pristine condition. The wood on this door is ornately carved and the doorknob is made of gold.

Walk towards this door…. grab the doorknob, turn it, and step inside. You now find yourself inside a spacious white room.  This room is completely empty except for a beautiful round rug laying in the center.

This rug is absolutely stunning and very welcoming.

As you examine this rug, it begins to shimmer … almost as if … it’s alive.

You soon sense an intense purity radiating from this rug. This isn’t an ordinary rug. This rug is a talisman for every virtue, every hope, and every blessing life can offer.

This rug contains the most powerful energy in the Universe.

This rug contains LOVE.

I want you to step on this rug. And as you do, the love it contains turns into self-love.

You now feel an intense feeling of self-acceptance and emotional healing. Your desire to love and nurture yourself is stronger than ever.

As you continue to stand of this rug, you notice its energy is pulsating upward and beginning to engulf your feet with white light. As this happens, you feel an amazing sensation in your feet as they start to relax and absorb love. Every muscle in your feet is beginning to let go as this healing and protective energy continues to move upward.

The white light is now moving toward your ankles and up your calves. As this happens, the muscles in these areas let go and you feel a pleasant tingly sensation throughout your lower legs.

Soon this energy moves to your thighs…. and then to your hips. You’re feeling so relaxed as this pure energy moves upward. As it does, every muscle it contacts becomes tingly and fully relaxed with this loving, healing energy.

As this energy moves into your stomach and lower back, you feel more and more relaxed. The muscles in your abdomen and lower back are letting go. Feel these muscles release. Let this healing energy flow through this part of your body as you become more and more relaxed.

Soon a wave of healing energy fills your lungs, your upper back and your shoulders. All the tension in your shoulders is being released… and it feels so good. Now let this energy run down your arms… all the way down to the tips of your fingers. You feel so very relaxed.

As this loving, light energy moves up your neck, all your neck muscles begin to let go. You’re feeling so calm, peaceful and carefree. Your neck feels so loose and so relaxed.

Soon the light energy moves upward and relaxes all the muscles in your face and cheeks.

Your eyelids begin to relax. All those tiny muscles around your eyes are letting go.

Next, your scalp starts to relax. Feel the muscles in your head letting go. Letting go of all tension.

Your entire being is now engulfed and cradled in pure white light. You’re now completely immersed in self-love. You feel so calm, so loved, so peaceful, so protected, and so very, very relaxed.

Take a moment to let this loving white light sooth and heal your body.

This light energy is your birthright. It’s giving you the love you always deserved. And it will continue to protect and nurture you for the rest of time.

As you bask in this blissful bubble, you notice the room you once stood in is starting to fade away. That’s ok… just let it fade.

As this happens, the protective bubble that holds you begins to GENTLY float downward to a new dimension. A magical garden where you’ll meet your Higher Self.

As I count down from 20 to one, you’ll continue to GENTLY float downward. When I reach the number 1, you’ll find yourself in this new dimension.

20, 19, 18 – gently floating down

17, 16, 15 – moving closer, feeling so relaxed.

14, 13, 12 – floating down, down, down — as light as a feather

11, 10, 9 – feel the tingly, healing energy flow through your body

8, 7, 6 – down, down, down

5, 4, 3 – getting closer, feeling so relaxed, so at peace

2, and 1

Your protective bubble has gently landed in a lush, magical garden filled with exotic plants and trees.

In every direction, ALL you see is endless greenery. You feel so at peace and so at home here.

As you walk through this bountiful and colourful garden, feel the cool topsoil beneath your feet and the warm sun on your face. The intoxicating aroma of fresh herbs and vibrant flowers comforts you.

Several weeks have passed, and this garden has become a safe refuge.

A few days later, a cool northern breeze makes you to reach for a sweater.

Winter is coming. But that’s okay. You’ve stored an abundance of food and supplies in preparation for this.

You now head towards your winter lodgings. In a remote corner of your garden, a hidden ladder will take you to a small ravine enclosed by sturdy timber and thick foliage.

While walking towards the ladder, you sense a powerful energy in the ravine.

It’s your Higher Self. – They’re here to guide you through a life challenge.

As I count down from 10 to 1, you’ll climb down this latter, and enter the ravine.

10, 9 – going down, down, down

8, 7 – deeper and deeper… feeling more and more relaxed

6, 5 – down, down, down

4, 3 – feeling so comfortable and relaxed

2, and 1 – you’re now inside the ravine.

It’s so cozy down here. Breath in the earthy aroma of your new surroundings. Also, the temperature in the ravine is warmer due to a small bonfire near the entrance.

Your attention quickly turns to your Higher Self – who is only a few feet away.

To your right is a small patch of grass in front of a natural spring. Sitting behind this spring, and facing you, is your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is benevolent, loving, patient and wise.

Take a moment to observe their appearance and how they regard you.


Now sit on the patch of grass across from your Higher Self. All that separates you is the small natural spring.

Take a moment to tell your Higher Self about the most-pressing challenge in your life right now.


After careful reflection, your Higher Self shares six universal truths to help you navigate your situation:

  1. Like the changing seasons, there’s no permanence in life. Never let a challenging situation define who you are. With effort, your difficulty shall come to pass.
  2. The best way to empower yourself is by effecting change. Ask your Higher Self what actions you can take to facilitate positive change? Take a moment to reflect on this.

  3. The world is FILLED with beauty and wonder. Let this fuel your desire for change.
  4. You are not alone. Connecting with like-minded individuals will give you strength.
  5. Anything is possible when you set your mind to it!
  6. Be gentle with yourself. You got this!

As you thank your Higher Self for these insights, they begin hovering their hands over the natural spring. In doing so, the water is magically charged with a valuable energy needed for your quest.

They’re charging the natural spring with resilience & determination.

After a few moments, the water is fully charged. Your Higher Self then points to a silver chalice to your left.

Grab the chalice, fill it with the newly energized water, and drink from it.

The water is SO refreshing and satisfying. You now feel a renewed sense of resilience & determination coursing through your mind, body and spirit. You are more determined than ever to effect positive and peaceful change.

Thank your Higher Self for this wonderful gift.

It’s almost time to come back. But there’s one very important detail that needs to be taken care of.

In the back of the ravine is a small cavern. And from there, you sense a different presence. A presence you’ve encountered before.

It’s your Fear.

As you walk towards your Fear, take a moment to imagine what they might look like in human form.


When you reach your Fear, extend the hand of friendship.

You have tremendous love and compassion for this part of yourself. Even if they sometimes get in the way, they’ve also protected you at times.

Express this gratitude and give your Fear a BIG hug.

As you hug your Fear, transfer ALL the healing, loving energy you gained earlier from the magic rug. Transfer every last bit of this nurturing energy into your Fear. And once that’s done, transfer all the resilience & determination you ingested from the natural spring. Transfer every last bit as well.

As you pull away from this long embrace, you notice your Fear is transforming before your very eyes. Your Fear is turning into Hope.

You marvel at how hopeful and optimistic they are – how hopeful and optimistic YOU will become. Your Hopeful Self assures you change is COMPLETELY within reach and reveals a future where you’re much happier and at peace.

Take a moment to visualize this.


Thank your Hopeful Self for these words of encouragement and powerful glimpse into the future.

Now give them a hug.

As you hug your Hopeful Self, they begin to merge with you. The two of you are integrating into one being.

As this merger completes, you feel more motivated than ever to bring positive and peaceful change into the world.

You unequivocally KNOW – your situation can improve.

The rug that took you to this magical garden suddenly reappears. Step on the rug and allow yourself to be engulfed again by its loving, white light. As this happens, the cavern fades away and you start floating upward.

As I count from 1 to 5, you’ll be transported back to full awareness in the here-and-now.

  1. Starting to emerge from hypnosis.
  2. Feeling wonderful and optimistic about your future.
  3. Your mind is clear and alert. Wiggle your fingers and toes.
  4. Your eyes are starting to open.
  5. Your eyes are opened wide. You are fully awake and alert – and feeling more determined than ever to bring about positive change.