To create a safe space & to make things run smoothly, please adhere to the Etiquette below.
There’s lots of info on this page
We don’t expect you to memorize it, but you will need to read this entire page prior to your session. Throughout your session, we’ll post key instructions.
Your Zoom Display Name
Please change your Zoom Display Name to the FULL NAME used when you registered (so we can verify you). See display name change instructions.
Arrive on Time.
Please make every effort to arrive on time for our sessions. If you arrive after the Group Hypnosis starts, you may be kept in the Zoom Waiting Room until it ends (for 20 minutes).
Hypnosis Requirements
Because each session includes group hypnosis, please use a quiet location where you won’t be disturbed. Please turn off your phone ringer. Finally, please use a computer for our Session (or a stand for your mobile device) so you can be handsfree.
Respect Diversity
Please avoid comments that judge or stereotype other people’s lifestyle, culture, religion/spirituality, body type, ethnicity, age, ability, financial circumstances, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Religion and Politics
Religion and politics can be polarizing topics. So let’s keep these beliefs to ourselves during our sessions Also, please refrain from wearing slogans that may be polarizing.
Please respect the privacy of other participants by not repeating anything you hear during our sessions.
Harmful Thoughts
If a participant shares thoughts of harming themselves or others, our Facilitator will report this to 911.
Please make sure no one in your home can overhear our sessions. Otherwise, other participants’ privacy will be compromised.
Do Not Record
Recording our sessions is strictly prohibited.
One Person Per Device
If a friend wants to join one of our sessions, they’ll need to register separately and use a different device.
This Isn’t Group Therapy
If you need to examine emotional trauma or mental health issues, please seek the help of a qualified therapist. We aren’t licensed to offer this type of assistance.
Keep It Real
If you bring your authentic self to our sessions, you can’t go wrong! So please be honest about who you are and how you’re feeling. If you’re having a bad day — you’re allowed. But please don’t let your bad day spoil anyone else’s day.
Cancelled Session
If fewer than 10 guests register for a session, it will be cancelled and you’ll receive a full refund.
Personal Gain
Participants are strictly prohibited from promoting outside goods, services or causes during our sessions.
Don’t Give Advice — Give Feedback
If you feel compelled to give another participant advice, please think again. When advice is given, the underlying assumption is that the advisor “knows better” than the person at the receiving end. Whereas, feedback is an honest adult-to-adult exchange about specific behaviours and their effect. The easiest way to kick the advice-giving habit is by avoiding sentences that start with “you should” (or similar variations). Giving advice is so ingrained in most of us, it could take a while to stop — so we’ll be patient if you slip
Be Seen
During our sessions, please have your camera turned on so we can see you. This is an absolute must during hypnosis and the Group Discussion.
Be Heard
Participation is optional, but for best results please try to open up and share your thoughts. .
Don’t Monopolize
If you’re doing most of the talking during our sessions, others won’t have a chance to speak.
When another participant is speaking, please do not interrupt them. However, the Facilitator reserves the right to interrupt any participant who doesn’t follow the Etiquette outlined on this page.
Raise Your Hand to Speak
See instructions for “raising your hand” in Zoom. Please don’t forget to lower your hand after you’ve spoken.
Keep Your Hand Raised
During the Group Discussion, please raise your hand while sharing your experience and receiving group feedback. Doing this will prevent our Zoom Tech from prematurely bringing you into a Breakout Room with Ralph. Don’t forget to lower your hand when the discussion moves on to the next participant.
Microphone On and Off
When invited to speak, please “unmute” your mic. Immediately after, please put your mic back on “mute.” See instructions.
If a participant makes offensive comments or is disruptive, toxic, or aggressive, they’ll be given one warning. If this behavior continues, they’ll be asked to leave the session and banned from future activities.
Shortened Session
If your session has fewer than 25 participants, it will be shortened accordingly.
Have Fun!